Sunday, October 4, 2020

Chapter 49


Chapter 49


Jon was shocked that she wanted light gray.  She had a whole rainbow of colors, and the first one that came out was gray.  Not just gray, light gray with dark gray trim.


“You sure light gray?” Jon watched her eyes.


“Yes, with dark gray trim.  I love the sheers that are up now.” She got up off his lap and went to the window.  “Unless people on the other side or on the river can see into our bedroom.”


Jon grabbed the ring of swatches and walked over to the window and looked out.  “I never thought about it, maybe shadows,” He never thought of not having curtains.


“How about shutters, plantation shutters would look good with the sheers, I’m not a fan of curtains,” Colleen wrapped the sheer around her body.  “They suffocate me.”


‘Colleen wrapped in sheer fabric was nearly suffocating my dick’, Jon thought.  Then it brought back a memory of her bedroom window, it was layered sheers with ribbon streamers, in all the windows in her tiny house none of them had curtains. This explained it, why her place was so bright and happy.


They walked through every room in the house making notes.  When it came to the family room, she was going to ask the kids before making changes down there.  It was their mother who designed these rooms. 


They decided to leave the bug in the garage since she had a driver in the city now, and she could use it to drive around the area better than in the city.  Also, her bug was known to the thugs, this was just more security.


On the way back in the SUV, they stopped for dinner.  Jon knew of a place in Sayreville to take her.  Knowing the house was going to be very quiet till winter break, they took their time heading into the city.  There were several shops open near the restaurant and after eating, they walked hand in hand past the windows.  Jon pointed out the building where the old Tom McCann where he had worked and got fired.  It was now a home furnishing store, Colleen made a beeline to it.


“Hurry Jonny, it closes soon,” Colleen pulled his hand to get him to hurry.


He didn’t tell her they would stay open long after closing for the right incentive.


Colleen reached into her Mary Poppins handbag and pulled out a note pad and pen and started to look around.  Jon would walk behind her and glance at what she was writing down.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the manger coming over, Jon went over and pulled out his wallet and handed the guy a folded one hundred dollar bill and asked him to lock the door so his girlfriend could shop.  The manager pocked the bill and went to the door and flipped the sign over to close and locked the door.


Jon watched Colleen looking at a floor lamp just like the one that had stood behind her chair, which was too destroyed to save.  She flipped the tag over and frowned.  Scratching it off her list, Colleen moved on to the next display.  Jon walked over to the lamp and looked at the tag, it was only sixty dollars.  He took the tag off and walked over to the manager, handed him the tag, and his black card, telling the manager to hold it if he wanted to buy more.  The manager agreed and Jon went back to where Colleen was looking at a bed.


“That looks like you,” Jon told her as he looked at the obvious girly bed frame.  It looked like something Stephanie would’ve loved in her room growing up.


“But not us,” Colleen walked past the bed and Jon silently thanked God.  He followed her as she walked past every other bed in the place.


“There are other places to look for a bed, if you don’t like any of these,” Jon came up behind her and whispered in her ear, looking down at the list of things she had liked. “You know babe, I fell in love with the girly girl that you are.  You can’t not put yourself in our room. Because it wouldn’t be ours, it would be mine.  Does that make sense?”  


“Yes Jonny it makes sense,” She said turning in his arms and giving him a kiss.



Letting her out of the circle of his arms, he watched her put the note pad in her pocketbook and start to head out of the store.


“Can I use your bathroom?” she asked the store clerk. 


When she went to follow the clerk Jon told her to leave her purse with him.


Once she handed it to him, he pulled out the notepad out of her purse when she went with the clerk and walked over to the manager.


“I want everything she has listed on here along with the lamp, put it all on the card, I’ll send my brother to pick it up Monday.” Jon handed him the notepad to list on the order.  Picking up a business card from the stack and slipped in his wallet.


“Yes Mr. Bongiovi, anything you ever need just call.  Do you want me to hold the bed until you make a decision?” the manager asked.


“Yes please do, just in case,” Silently praying they find a more 'them' bed than the one she had passed on.


Jon signed the receipt and put it and his card back in his wallet by the time Colleen joined him at the door.


Once they were home Jon and Colleen cuddled in the middle of their bed.


“Can I ask you something?” Jon kissed her neck.


“You can ask me anything,” Colleen ran her fingers along his stomach.


“Are you really set on light and dark gray?  You know in the winter how gray it gets, if you think gray is us, can we use something bright for the trim, say white to brighten it up.” Jon said as he rubbed her back.


“I just want it to be our room, I couldn’t see us in a room the color of my old bedroom,” Colleen said as she sat up and looked down at Jon.  “I know your favorite colors are very primary but the purple.”


“What are your favorite colors? I was just answering the same questions that as in every interview, along with the boxers or brief question they always ask,” Jon sat up and leaned back on the headboard and laughed.  “That’s one of the reasons I went commando in the late eighties early nineties.”


“My favorite colors are dusty rose pink and royal blue,” Colleen told him as she sat up with him and let him put his arm around her shoulder.  Lifting the covers and looked down at the boxer briefs he currently had on.  “When did you decided against commando living for what you have on now?”


“That’s only till your visitor leaves,” Jon told her.  “But when Dorothea and I were trying to have the last two, the fertility doctor suggested boxers to keep me from hurting my baby maker.”


Colleen started to laugh.


“Babymaker, she actually called your dick a baby maker?”


Jon cover his crotch with his left hand and gave her a frown.


“Yes, she actually called it my baby maker.  This was our first time using a fertility doctor, and I think looking at me as Jon Bon Jovi I flustered her,” Jon told her.  “If the tattoo on her wrist was a sign of a fan.”


“Oh no, your fertility doctor was a fan,” Colleen tried not to laugh.  “I would be flustered too, I wasn’t sure how you would take me having all your records, tapes, and CD’s along with imports in my collections.”


Jon did laugh because he never looked that close to her music shelves in her house.


“Don’t laugh at me, well they’re all gone to the dump now so I don’t have my collection anymore,” She pouted. Not knowing Jon had Matt and Tony looking to replace her collection.


“So getting back to the discussion about the bedroom walls, how about dusty rose and light gray trim?” Jon asked pulling her back into his arms. “The best of both of us.”


“We can swatch it and see,” Colleen told him.


“We can talk to Greg, I’ll set up a meeting with him on Wednesday,” Jon waited to see if that was one of her free evenings.


“Wednesday is good for me,” Colleen told him.


Jon smiled down at her as they scooted down in the bed, he had Alexia turn off the lamps.


“Oh and Jon,” Colleen whispered. “My visitor should be gone by Monday, so no more sex in the shower.”


“About fucking time,” He threw out his arms then rolled over and kissed her good night.


  1. Thank you. I was beginning to go into withdrawal...

  2. This was a sweet chapter for me. I love how they interact with each other.

  3. I think I just woke up the entire house! “Babymaker” made me laugh uncontrollably! Alfiepooh, Alex is not happy!
