Monday, November 2, 2020

chapter 53


Jon got home before Colleen and started packing up his laptop and things he needed at the Jersey house.  He put his Takemine in its case and took it to the front door.  Going into the kitchen he left a note for the maid that came in to clear out the fridge, he knew and trusted Carman to not tell anyone where they had gone.

Jon heard the key in the front door and went out to meet Colleen at the door.


“Hey babe, how was your day?” He leaned in to take her school bag and set it by his guitar bag.


“Fine, I grabbed us some dinner, you want to eat, and then help me pack?” Colleen had stopped at a burger joint near the school.  “I need to pack for about two weeks of clothes, I can do a wash till the winter break.  I have clothes at the apartment when we get to the Hamptons.”


 Jon followed her to the kitchen and pulled out two beers to go with the burgers.


“I’ll do anything you need to get us out of here,” Jon said as he popped the tops off the beer.


Colleen put the burger wrappers on paper towels and twisted off the top of her beer.  They ate in silence, Colleen had her phone open listing everything she would need to finish out the week, anything she forgot to pack she could pick up in Jersey.


They made short work of the burgers and headed upstairs to pack, one hour later Albert and Wilson came up to help them load the back of the town car from the alleyway beside the building and off to Jersey they went.


Albert and Wilson were moving into the staff house on the property, while Jon and Colleen were living in the Shoe Inn apartment.  Jon had all the arrangements set up before he had headed to the Hamptons that morning.


They got into a routine with Colleen and Wilson going to and from Polly Prep, while Jon was working with Greg and Stephanie on the bedroom and the kitchen remodel. Colleen and Stephanie had made plans to go shopping online on Saturday.


Friday Wilson pulled into the gate, a light snow that was falling in Brooklyn, was a blizzard blowing snow at Highpoint.  Colleen was ready for the weekend, the snow just added to the idea of a girl’s weekend.


Jon stood at the window waiting on the town car to deliver Colleen. That was the one thing he hated here, was the lake effect snow along the river.  The longer the day got the harder it snowed.  The town car lights showed up on the gate camera, the one Tony installed this week.  Wilson flashed the lights and he hit the open gate icon, in case a pap had gotten a picture of the town car pulling in and they had the code. Jon had Albert go padlock the gate till Tony had come over and changed the whole system, to a thumbprint or remote entrance.  The only way to get on the property was now by water and the grounds patrol took over there.


“Hey Babe,” Jon said as Colleen exited the car.  “Thanks Wilson, have a good weekend off.”


“Thank you, Mr. Jon, Miss Colleen good luck with Mikey,” Wilson laughed as he got back into the car.


“By hook or by crook Wilson, Hook or Crook,” Colleen laughed.  She handed her overstuffed book bag to Jon, giving him a quick kiss.


Jon waved at the retreating car and followed Colleen into the Inn.  Only barely standing up from Colleen jumping at him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Dropping the book bag on the oak floor, he backed up against the door to stay standing.


“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Colleen said between kisses.


“To what did I do to get all this loving?” Jon laughed between kisses.


“For Wilson, Oh my God Jonny he is the best.  He has me a travel mug of Hot Chocolate from Starbucks. On the way home, once on the ferry, he gets in the back with me and helps me look over papers.  Did you know he has a degree in teaching, he retired after thirty years of teaching here in Jersey?”  Colleen said as she slowly slid to the floor her arms still around Jon’s neck.


“Yes I did, and Albert is retired ex-Navy Seal, and former Obama Secret Service agent,” Jon laughed as they stood toe to toe, nose to nose. “I called Barack and got the number from him because the last time I was in a council meeting he told me Albert was retiring from the Secret Service.”


“Thank you for protecting me.” Colleen kissed him, as her tummy rumbled.


“Soup is on the stove and the sandwiches are ready for the grill,” Jon told her, as he took her hand and laced his fingers with hers.


Colleen kicked off her heels and padded barefoot to the kitchen holding his hand.


“What time is Steph coming?” Colleen asked Jon as she fired up the George Forman grill and gave his hand a squeeze. She put the sandwiches on the grill to cook.


“She’s been camping out in the house, I think things are getting close with Greg,” Jon said as he got out glasses.  “Tea or milk?”


“Are you okay with them dating? She really likes him,” Colleen said as she filled mugs with soup and checked the sandwiches.


“I guess so, I mean he’s older and has two kids,” Jon said as he waited for the drink of choice.


“Well, she’s over twenty-one and they aren’t much different age wise then you and me, I just don’t have the kids, you do,” Colleen told him and then looked at the glasses. “Oh, tea please.”


Jon laughed as she cut the sandwiches in triangles, the way the boys liked them cut.  Taking two glasses of tea to the bar, he thought about what she had said.  They were about several years apart same as Greg and Steph.  He would talk to Stephanie before they did the skype call to the boys Saturday night, before Girls Night party with all the women in his life take over the movie room in the house for a sleepover. Jon was hosting the brothers at the Inn, the kids were staying with a sitter, that Jon was footing the bill for.


“So what’s on the agenda for tonight, new book or a game of eight ball?”  Jon asked hoping for a book but strip eight ball wouldn’t be bad either.


“Book sounds boring, how about a walk in the snow and a fire in the fire pit for s’ mores,” Colleen winked.


There went his plans for breaking in the pool table for a hot night of sex.


“The wood’s wet,” Jon said with a sad face, then he remembered he had a fire going in the Inn.


“I got those really huge marshmallows the last time we were in Stop and Shop, and the thick Hershey bars for extra chocolatey dripping mess,” Colleen whispered in his ear, making the s’ mores into an orgasmic occurrence. “All oozier and gooey, that hot squishy middle and crispy cookie.”


Damn, he wanted to strip her now and take her on the bar, till she screamed his name.  Damn, she was making her fuck me now face, and her triple X voice.   Just as he was about to act on his thoughts his cellphone sang Elvis’s Teddy Bear song, it was Steph. Cockblocked by his own daughter.


“Yeah, Steph what’s up?” Jon tried not to let Stephanie know what she was interrupting down at the inn, and put her on speaker.


“Greg and I were wanting to know if you two want to go walk in the snow, then maybe shoot some pool,”  Stephanie asked her dad.  “His ex has the kids this weekend and he’s still finishing up the paint in the bedroom, I made us soup and sandwiches for dinner.”


Yep, cockblocked.


“Sounds like fun, Stephanie,” Colleen said as she cleared up the mugs and plates.


“Good, we’ll come down to the inn and meet up with you two,” Stephanie said sounding happy.  Daddy daughter date night.


“Okay Steph, see you in a few,” Colleen said as she put the dishes in the dishwasher and ran upstairs to get changed into her ski pants and sweater, she bought with Steph at a thrift shop in Redbank. Grabbing her and Jon’s boots as she came downstairs.  Jon had passed her on the steps already in his ski jacket.  “I got your boots.”


“I like this, when did you get this?” Jon asked looking at the purple ski bib and pink ski jacket.


“Steph and I found this cute shop near the Stop and Shop, I just had to have it, Steph said.  “Purple is your favorite color, and with this pink jacket I won’t get lost in the snow.”  Colleen did her best Tyra Banks impression, with a flip of her hair.


“It is, and you won’t get lost that’s some bright hot pink.” Jon laughed.


Colleen pulled out a matching ski hat to keep her head warm and gave Jon a pout.  Just then there’s a knock on the door.


“Saved by the knock,” Colleen whispered heading for the door.


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